Friday 12 February 2010


In today’s session, our group finally shot some test footage of Emma lip syncing. We decided to only shoot Emma lip syncing the first two minutes of the song because she is most confident about this part and we wanted our footage to be strong. My role was camera operator and editor whilst Emma performed and Rob controlled the music. We filmed in two locations – one inside and one outside, using one close up, one low angle, one side angle and a long shot. We started off inside using a plain background – we did this to focus on the lip syncing itself, then we went outside and filmed in front of hedges/trees as this location is sort of similar to our actual location. We then came back to the classroom and I captured the footage onto Final Cut Express and began to edit away with Emma.

I think Emma is a strong performer and the test footage we shot is convincing which makes me feel confident about shooting our band performance in our video. The only thing that I think needs to be worked on is the performance in between the singing however there is always the option of placing ‘cut-away’ footage in these parts.

Although I am pleased with this test footage it would have been better if we had gotten more organised and shot practice footage of the band performance on location with instruments. Although we didn’t manage to do this, if we have time after half term we can do this then – if not we will have to story board the band performance in a lot of detail to ensure we get the best footage possible.

This is our footage:

L3 TEST FOOTAGE - SHADOWS - Tina, Emma and Rob from cmdiploma on Vimeo.
We hope Nick enjoys the amazing dancing in the video.

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