In today's lesson the class worked together taking on different roles
- Performers (Max, Rob, Liam, Louis, Angelica, Tilly, Hannah and Emma)
- Camera Operators (Tom B and Zven)
- Dicretor (Ali)
- Floor Manger (Tom H)
- Lighting Director (Elliott)
- Still Photographer (Sophie)
- Production Designer (Charna)
- Music Player Operator (Charna)
- Lyric Sheet/Production Assistant (Myself)
- Executive producer (Tom B)
and had a pratice session in creating a music video - mainly to pratice lipsyncing aswell. The song we used was My Generation by The Who, however it was only the first minute or so of the song. I took on the role of Lyric holder, as I wasn't keen on perfomring and the camera roles had already been filled. I'm not too bothered as I still enjoyed the session.
(photo of me taking on the lyric sheet role)
We firstly set up the instruments, lights, cameras, etc in the Coleridge Drama room - borrowing intruments from the Music department. We then all got into position and had a pratice run through, after this we begn to film.
We did a toal of 6 takes; 1. Establishing shot 2. Mid shot 3. Mid shot (different angle) 4. Close up of Max (leadsinger) and 5 and 6 were extreme close ups of the Bass and Guitar. Including footage from the hand held camera. We then packed up and headed back tothe classroom. Unfortunitly we didn't have enough time to start editing the footage, but thats something we'll do next week.
Overall, I enjoyed the session and I think it went well.
- Performers (Max, Rob, Liam, Louis, Angelica, Tilly, Hannah and Emma)
- Camera Operators (Tom B and Zven)
- Dicretor (Ali)
- Floor Manger (Tom H)
- Lighting Director (Elliott)
- Still Photographer (Sophie)
- Production Designer (Charna)
- Music Player Operator (Charna)
- Lyric Sheet/Production Assistant (Myself)
- Executive producer (Tom B)
and had a pratice session in creating a music video - mainly to pratice lipsyncing aswell. The song we used was My Generation by The Who, however it was only the first minute or so of the song. I took on the role of Lyric holder, as I wasn't keen on perfomring and the camera roles had already been filled. I'm not too bothered as I still enjoyed the session.
(photo of me taking on the lyric sheet role)
We firstly set up the instruments, lights, cameras, etc in the Coleridge Drama room - borrowing intruments from the Music department. We then all got into position and had a pratice run through, after this we begn to film.
We did a toal of 6 takes; 1. Establishing shot 2. Mid shot 3. Mid shot (different angle) 4. Close up of Max (leadsinger) and 5 and 6 were extreme close ups of the Bass and Guitar. Including footage from the hand held camera. We then packed up and headed back tothe classroom. Unfortunitly we didn't have enough time to start editing the footage, but thats something we'll do next week.
Overall, I enjoyed the session and I think it went well.
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